Integrate Fabric/Crashlytics via CocoaPods

I try to integrate Fabric/Crashlytics via CocoaPods, my Podfile looks like this:

pod 'Fabric/Core', '1.2'
pod 'Fabric/Crashlytics', '1.2'

But when I try to build my app, the build fails and I get a Shell Script Invocation Error that the run script isn't found:

.../ line 2: ./Fabric.framework/run: No such file or directory

Is it possible to install Fabric only using CocoaPods?

Solution 1:

Fabric now supports installation with CocoaPods:

If you are just looking for Crashlytics you can use these two pods:

pod 'Fabric'
pod 'Crashlytics'

Along with adding the following build phase script (note: In case the path to your repo contains spaces, you will need the quotes):

"${PODS_ROOT}"/Fabric/run <API Key> <Build Secret>

Run Script Build Phase

If you are looking to use TwitterKit you will need to include:

pod 'TwitterKit'

Solution 2:

Same problem for me was fixed by changing the line from:

./Pods/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run YOUR_API_KEY YOUR_BUILD_SECRET


../Pods/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run YOUR_API_KEY YOUR_BUILD_SECRET

In other words, just prepend an extra '.' to designate that the 'Pods' directory is a sibling rather than a child of the build directory. YMMV.

Solution 3:

I had the same problem, use the $PODS_ROOT environment variable which points to your Pods folder; be sure to quote it in case you have spaces in your path; so instead of

./Pods/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run YOUR_API_KEY YOUR_BUILD_SECRET


"$PODS_ROOT"/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run YOUR_API_KEY YOUR_BUILD_SECRET

Solution 4:


  1. Remove Fabric and Crashlytics in podfile.

  2. pod install

  3. Add Fabric and Crashlytics to podfile again

  4. pod install

  5. Add Run script like above answer.

Hope it help.

Solution 5:

macOS Sierra, Swift 3



