Copy Folders from one Unix server to another?

Solution 1:

Yes, there is scp or the former rcp or rsync

scp -r source_folder [email protected]:destination_folder

The command above will copy source_folder to destination_folder in the user's home directory on

Solution 2:

If your folder contains subfolders and more importantly symlinks you want to use rsync:

rsync -aruv localfolder/ user@server:destination/

Or in reverse:

rsync -aruv user@server:destination/ localfolder/

This will do a recursive backup / copy from localfolder to your server while keeping ownership and permissions intact. The solutions suggested so far are valid however scp doesn't handle symlinks by default and will instead create a new copy of the linked file.

For detailed usage see man(1) rsync or here

Solution 3:

You can use SCP:

scp -rp foldertocopy/ user@server:destination/

