Problem to enter in NTFS partition "The disk contains an unclean file system"

Solution 1:

You could try this (worked for me with similar problem):

  1. sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs
  2. sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb2

That worked for me. Good luck!

Solution 2:

The problem is that the disk is marked as "unclean," meaning that it was not shut down properly and may contain errors. Unfortunately, there's no Linux utility to repair such problems on NTFS volumes. The ntfsfix utility recommended by shardival repairs only the most basic errors and then schedules a full repair by Windows the next time it's booted, so it's unlikely to help.

All this means that you must boot Windows to fix the problem. I realize you say you don't have Windows installed, so this means that you must either temporarily move the disk to a computer that does have Windows installed or use a Windows emergency repair disc. This site has such disc images, and I'm sure you can find them elsewhere, too.

In the long term, converting the NTFS partition to use a Linux filesystem is the best solution, but you can't do this until you repair the NTFS volume, or at least coax Linux into mounting it. Converting the partition to use a Linux filesystem will require backing up the files to another medium, unmounting the NTFS partition, creating a new Linux filesystem on the now-NTFS volume, re-mounting that partition, and copying the files back. I realize this is a hassle, but it will prevent a recurrence of the problem you've encountered, and give you better performance, too. (NTFS is slow on a Linux system compared to most Linux filesystems.)