How to install Intel CedarView drivers on Ubuntu 12.10 or higher?

I am looking for instructions on how to install cedarview graphics drivers on Ubuntu 13.04 32bit.

My graphics hardware is a GMA3600 aka Power VR SGX545.

EDIT: It seems that they are not in Raring yet, but only Precise:

EDIT2: they seem to be closed source.

Solution 1:

I am fairly sure this is impossible. The problem is that CedarView drivers are closed-source, outdated and Intel is no longer updating them. The driver supports 3.2 kernel only, and its DKMS module fails to compile under any newer kernel (including 13.04's kernel: 3.8).

Because the driver's source is closed, neither Canonical nor Ubuntu developers are capable of modyfing it to be compatible with newer kernels. Also there is no way you could patch it on your own by following some magic guide, for such patch will never exist as long as the driver's source is closed.

So what to do then?

There are several options.

  1. Convince Intel to open-source the driver. This way they would not need to manage it, as the Ubuntu community might hack on it to apply updates. However, I expect it's clear how difficult it may be to convince Intel to such move.
  2. Convince Intel to update the driver to a newer kernel. This may be difficult too, considering the fact they gave so little love to this driver, and it is definitelly not of their interest anymore.
  3. Use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin, 32bit. While 12.04 currently uses 3.5 kernel, you can install 3.2 manually. If you do, cedarview drivers should install correctly. Make sure not to use the -pae kernel, as is also not supported. Also, you need to use the 32bit system, as the driver does not support any other architecture.

Yeah, I am aware this all is utterly annoying, and super-silly. Please direct all your complains in this matter to Intel, as it is only them who is responsible for this absurd.

Solution 2:

I think this guide is what you're looking for: