Safe alternative to dangerouslySetInnerHTML

If XSS is your primary concern, you can use DOMPurify to sanitize your HTML before inserting it in the DOM via dangerouslySetInnerHTML. It's just 10K minified. And it works in Node too.

The article How to prevent XSS attacks when using dangerouslySetInnerHTML in React suggests to use jam3/no-sanitizer-with-danger eslint rule to check that the content passed to dangerouslySetInnerHTML is wrapped in this sanitizer function

Example of valid code is

const sanitizer = dompurify.sanitize;
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: sanitizer(title)}} />; // Good

It also describes 3 sanitizer libraries:

"The prop name dangerouslySetInnerHTML is intentionally chosen to be frightening. ..."

"After fully understanding the security ramifications and properly sanitizing the data..."

I figure, if you trust your own CMS/Server (and not receiving from a 3rd party), which has sanitized the data (this step is also done), then you can insert using dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

As Morhaus said, maybe use DOMPurify as it (bonus) probably handles this unfortunate bit: "so the HTML provided must be well-formed (ie., pass XML validation)." I suspect some content using the non-XML version of HTML5 might otherwise be an issue. (Note: I haven't used it myself yet, since i'm new like you.)