Why is a signaling server needed for WebRTC?

Solution 1:

WebRTC doesn't solve discovery (nor should it).

WebRTC knows how to talk directly to another peer without a signaling server, but it doesn't know how to discover another peer. Discovery is an inherent problem, so I'm a bit baffled that people expect WebRTC to solve it for them.

Think about it: How are you going to call me? How are you going to direct your computer to initiate contact with me and not a billion other people? By GPS coordinates? email address? static IP? irc? instant message? facebook? telephone number?

Also, how will I know when you call? Will my computer "ring"? There are hundreds of ways to solve this with regular web technology, so WebRTC would be doing you a disservice if it dictated a specific way. The context of your application will likely inform the best means of contact. Maybe I encounter you in some online forum or virtual room in an online game?

Technically speaking, you don't strictly need a signaling server with WebRTC, as long as you have other means to get an SDP offer (a piece of text) to your peer, and receive the reciprocal SDP answer in return, be it by phone text, IM, irc, email, or carrier pigeon. Try this in Chrome or Firefox: https://jsfiddle.net/nnc13tw2 - click "Offer" (wait up to 20 seconds), send the output to your friend who pastes it into the same field on their end and hits Enter, and have them send back the answer, which you paste in the answer field and hit Enter. You should now be connected, and no connecting server was ever involved.

Why the jsfiddle works: It packages all ICE candidates in the SDP, which can take a few seconds, to give you everything you need in one go.

Some advanced features, like altering the number of video sources mid-call etc. also require signaling, but once a call has been established, an app could use its own data channels for any further signaling needs between the peers.

Stackoverflow now demands that I include code to link to jsfiddle, so I might as well include it here as well (though if you're on Chrome use the fiddle above, as camera access doesn't seem to work in snippets):

var config = { iceServers: [{ urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" }]};

var dc, pc = new RTCPeerConnection(config);
pc.onaddstream = e => v2.srcObject = e.stream;
pc.ondatachannel = e => dcInit(dc = e.channel);
v2.onloadedmetadata = e => log("Connected!");

var haveGum = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video:true, audio:true})
  .then(stream => pc.addStream(v1.srcObject = stream))

function dcInit() {
  dc.onopen = () => log("Chat!");
  dc.onmessage = e => log(e.data);

function createOffer() {
  button.disabled = true;
  dcInit(dc = pc.createDataChannel("chat"));
  haveGum.then(() => pc.createOffer()).then(d => pc.setLocalDescription(d)).catch(failed);
  pc.onicecandidate = e => {
    if (e.candidate) return;
    offer.value = pc.localDescription.sdp;
    answer.placeholder = "Paste answer here";

offer.onkeypress = e => {
  if (!enterPressed(e) || pc.signalingState != "stable") return;
  button.disabled = offer.disabled = true;
  var desc = new RTCSessionDescription({ type:"offer", sdp:offer.value });
    .then(() => pc.createAnswer()).then(d => pc.setLocalDescription(d))
  pc.onicecandidate = e => {
    if (e.candidate) return;
    answer.value = pc.localDescription.sdp;

answer.onkeypress = e => {
  if (!enterPressed(e) || pc.signalingState != "have-local-offer") return;
  answer.disabled = true;
  var desc = new RTCSessionDescription({ type:"answer", sdp:answer.value });

chat.onkeypress = e => {
  if (!enterPressed(e)) return;
  chat.value = "";

var enterPressed = e => e.keyCode == 13;
var log = msg => div.innerHTML += "<p>" + msg + "</p>";
var failed = e => log(e);
<video id="v1" height="120" width="160" autoplay muted></video>
<video id="v2" height="120" width="160" autoplay></video><br>
<button id="button" onclick="createOffer()">Offer:</button>
<textarea id="offer" placeholder="Paste offer here"></textarea><br>
Answer: <textarea id="answer"></textarea><br><div id="div"></div>
Chat: <input id="chat"></input><br>
<script src="https://webrtc.github.io/adapter/adapter-latest.js"></script>

Solution 2:

  1. Yes, signalling is mandatory so that ICE candidates and the like are exchange so that the peer connection knows who its peer is
  2. No, how would it know its peer without some sort of exchange?
  3. No, it does not mean that. I have done numerous experiments working with raspis, and other native devices that I stream video to a browser page through a WebRTC peer connection.
  4. What are you talking about? You meaning the gain of using WebRTC vs Flash and a Central server? WebRTC is peer to peer and if you couple that with GetUserMedia and Html5, you get rid of the need for flash and a central media server to handle all the media exchanges.