How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?

Solution 1:

I found something that works for me and hopefully it will work for others too.

  1. Without your monitors plugged in, right-click on your desktop, hover over "View" and turn off the feature "Align icons to grid"
  2. Plug in your monitor and proceed only if your icons remain in their original positions
  3. Turn "Align icons to grid" back on the same way you turned it off.

Using the steps above, this should allow you to unplug/turn-off monitors and replug/turn-on monitors without your icons moving all over the place.

I noticed with this, however, that it's save-file-like and you will need to redo the steps if you want to move icons around. I tested this by unplugging my monitor, moving an icon (without changing the grid feature) and plugging my monitor back in. I observed that the icon returned to its original position on my desktop as it was before I moved it and the rest of my icons stayed in the same spot. I then unplugged my monitor and found that icon to move to where I originally moved it to, so I turned the grid feature off, plugged in my monitor and then turned the grid feature back on and found the icon to stay in its new position.

I don't know how well this will work for your games (worst off you just need to leave the grid feature off) but it will hopefully solve turning monitors on and off.

Solution 2:

No. When the screen resolution changes, Explorer will automatically move icons that would otherwise be off-screen.

(Imagine the complaints if it didn't do that. "I changed my monitor and now half my files are gone!")

Solution 3:

I figured out one way to handle this. I have an application I use (fences) which allows me to group all my icons. I already had most of my desktop icons grouped with this application and noticed that they restore properly. So, I just created a "Miscellaneous" group and threw all my stray icons in there. I don't like this solution, but it's the best one I can come up with since windows will not properly restore icons or allow me to turn that "feature" off. :P

Solution 4:

Icons move when the desktop resolution changes. This can be caused by any full screen application such as games, or by the addition / removal of multiple monitors. The fix is easy, permanent, and requires no additional software. Right-click on the desktop and select "Personalize". Then select "Themes", then "Desktop icon settings", and UN-check .. "Allow themes to change desktop icons", Apply. You may need to move some icons at the bottom of your screen so they are visible on the lower resolution setups, as windows will no longer do this for you.