Probability of two people from two different countries meeting in a different country and meeting each other [closed]

I will try to answer the question I suspect is behind your question.

The probability of that sequence of coincidences if specified in advance of the observation that they happened is extremely small. Estimating it would require lots of assumptions I wouldn't even try to specify.

That's because you did not ask in advance of the event. In fact, rare things happen all the time. If by chance you shared your B&B with a tall red headed man from Norway with the same first name as your brother that would be surprising - you didn't know it would happen.

Think about the lottery: the chance that any particular ticket will win is miniscule - but some ticket will win. The owner of that ticket will feel singled out by fate - as you do about your meeting with Jane. But there are people all over the world sharing B&Bs with a particular other person who don't take notics.