"Disk drive for dev/mapper/cryptswap 1 is not ready"

I get the following message on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS i386 during the boot process:

Disk Drive for dev/mapper/cryptswap 1 is not ready or not present

It will give me the message about 3 times and then finally load but I am also getting internal errors (Last night and this morning I pretty well was flooded with them).

I am completely new to Ubuntu and Linux so am I doing the best I can to learn as quickly I am able but it would really be helpful if I could chat with someone as the machine I have apparently is a bit of a pain in general (HP dc7700sf).

I had the same issue. Eventually it turned out that the device in /etc/crypttab was wrong.

The system was installed from a USB pen-drive, so during installation the pen-drive was /dev/sda and the hard disc was /dev/sdb. The swap partition was hence written into /etc/crypttab as /dev/sdb6. After booting from the harddrive this became /dev/sda6 and the mapper could not find it any more.

To fix this just correct the line in /etc/crypttab to the correct /dev/sd?? or the UUID of the swap partition.

I was getting the same error message. I tried what is being suggested here but the error persisted. (By the way, instructions given in one of the links there is incomplete. Read comments from others underneath the post and that should take you to the right direction).

I came across this post that solved the problem for me by delaying swapon.

I did the following:

sudo gedit /etc/fstab

I changed the line

/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0

to read

/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw,noauto 0 0


sudo gedit /etc/rc.local

and immediately before

exit 0

added these two lines:

sleep 5
swapon /dev/mapper/cryptswap1