Difference between 2 dates in SQLite
SELECT julianday('now') - julianday(DateCreated) FROM Payment;
Difference In Days
Select Cast ((
JulianDay(ToDate) - JulianDay(FromDate)
) As Integer)
Difference In Hours
Select Cast ((
JulianDay(ToDate) - JulianDay(FromDate)
) * 24 As Integer)
Difference In Minutes
Select Cast ((
JulianDay(ToDate) - JulianDay(FromDate)
) * 24 * 60 As Integer)
Difference In Seconds
Select Cast ((
JulianDay(ToDate) - JulianDay(FromDate)
) * 24 * 60 * 60 As Integer)
Both answers provide solutions a bit more complex, as they
need to be. Say the payment was created on January 6, 2013
And we want to know the difference between this date and today.
sqlite> SELECT julianday() - julianday('2013-01-06');
The difference is 34 days. We can use julianday('now')
better clarity. In other words, we do not need to put
or datetime()
functions as parameters to julianday()
The SQLite documentation is a great reference and the DateAndTimeFunctions page is a good one to bookmark.
It's also helpful to remember that it's pretty easy to play with queries with the sqlite command line utility:
sqlite> select julianday(datetime('now'));
sqlite> select datetime(julianday(datetime('now')));
2008-11-17 14:13:55