Is there a way to search the windows application menus like OSX's CMD+SHIFT+/ command?

I've moved from an OSX to PC workflow, and I've duplicated just about everything except when I need to use a menu item that I can't find.

On OSX, I'd often use the CMD+SHIFT+/ command which brings up the application help menu - from there you can type a command and the program will reveal the correct menu item.

Example in OSX Photoshop: CMD+SHIFT+/ , type in Crop, push down, enter.
      Works for any obscure menu item.
Example in W7 Photoshop: fish through menus till I see what I want.

It's an amazing productivity tool. When I tried Rhino, I started wondering why all applications didn't let you type in a command with auto complete. I found out with OSX you basically can. Now I can't live without it!

Is there any similar functionality or app for Windows 7?

Here's an example of looking up an obscure nested command.

enter image description here

The closest I can think of is to hit the alt button, then hold shift and type a letter. In the menus, a letter is underlined, and when you type shift + letter it selects it.

I'm not sure about this, but you might find application launchers to be useful here:

You may be able to rig up a command to search through the menu options