Using Chrome, why is PDF downloaded from one site but displayed with Chrome pdf viewer from another site?

My company moved our shared files from one instance of Microsoft Sharepoint to another instance. Strangely, when I try to open a PDF in the new instance, Chrome downloads the PDF, while in the old instance of Sharepoint, Chrome displays the PDF in its built-in viewer. How can I make Chrome use its PDF viewer for documents in the new Sharepoint? I searched around and most questions on this site and others is about preventing the Chrome viewer. I want to ensure that it is always used.

Solution 1:

Is the new instance a newer version? Websites have some ability to direct how files they send should be handled, e.g. they can indicate that a file should be downloaded rather than viewed. I suspect that this has changed from version to version. It might be configurable, perhaps if you asked your sharepoint administrators they could look in to it.