Admob shows Test ads but not real ads

I'm using admob for showing android ads. The test ads are working fine but real ads are not shown. Also, I've no issue with real interstitial ads as they work fine. Just the real banner ads are not showing up. My java code is

private InterstitialAd interstitial;    
interstitial = new InterstitialAd(MainActivity.this);


        AdView adView = (AdView) this.findViewById(;               
        AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()

        // Add a test device to show Test Ads

        // Load ads into Banner Ads

        // Load ads into Interstitial Ads

The Layout file is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

        ads:adUnitId="ca-app-pub-********" />


Solution 1:

When apps are newly registered with AdMob, it takes some time and a few ads requests to allow inventory to build. Because of this, you may not see live impressions immediately. Once your app starts making more requests, you should see more consistent results. Please note that test ads operate through the same channels as live ads. Being able to return a test ad ensures that your application is communicating properly with our network. Be patience it will work after some days.

Solution 2:

Remove the line that says


Also, when you use a virtual device, it shows the test ads no matter what. Are you testing it on a real device?

Solution 3:

You might be using the sample unit id: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111

If you use above then you will see test ads.

Make sure you change to your own unit id before releasing the app.