How do I tell another civilization to move its army away from my cities?

I've had several different civilizations get upset at me and tell me to move my army away from their cities, and since I didn't feel like going to war right then, I have generally complied. However, one civilization has amassed a large army at a town that shares borders with one of mine, and a number of the units are on the border. Is there any way I can tell them to move away? I don't mind going to war with them, but I would like to at least delay it a few turns so I can complete a nuke and move in a few more units to protect myself better.

Solution 1:

You cannot.

After more playtime trying to find opportunities to demand this, and investigation online, there does not appear to be any way of demanding an AI move it's armies away.

This sounds like it would be under the "Discuss >" category on the Diplomacy screen alongside the other demands (like "stop converting me" and "don't settle near me"), but I have not seen it, nor has anyone that I have been able to find.