Minecraft webpage links in chat?

I have seen links in servers that can send you to a page in a browser, is there any way to replicate this with command blocks?

I don't mean command links, I mean web pages.

Solution 1:

The /tellraw command allows you to output to chat with more formatting options than /say. You'll need to use this, and the JSON format that it uses, to add clickable links to chat.

Here's a guide to the format tellraw (and signs, books and titles) use, if you are not already familiar with it.

Links can be added using the open_url click event. Example:

/tellraw @p {"text":"Arqade","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"http://gaming.stackexchange.com"}}

Here's a tellraw generator that allows you to add open_url click events, which is usually easier than writing it manually.