Which is an easy to use Document Management System given my requirements [closed]

Original question on SO.

I looked up a lot of threads on a good document management system on SO. So, given all that knowledge, here is my question: What is a very intuitive, open source (preferably with no commercial upgrade) document management system with a good a web interface. Some features that I am looking for :

  • Extremely easy to upload documents. Ideally I should have access to a shared folder and should just copy paste the file and it should version it and check changes. Something like what dropbox does.
  • Easy to use, search web interface. It would also be nice if I could modify search results to make it display richer information about the documents itself.

I have looked at some platforms like alfresco, Open KM, Jive etc but want a more workable solution. I know Apache solr can be configured to (re)crawl directories and the index can be configured to show richer info. I also just came across Apache JackRabbit that looks very similar. Please tell me if anybody has any experiences with such an implementation. Thanks in advance.

Decided on using either Alfresco or Liferay for document management. Check it out if you haven't already.