What are the differences between 'like' and 'alike'? [closed]

Solution 1:

Like can indicate pretty much any degree of similarity.
Alike is used when a high degree of similarity is being described.

Like is used when one person, or one set of persons, or any ONE entity, is being compared to someone or something.

Alike is used when two or more persons or things are being compared to one another.

Thus "is" can never be used with alike: it's always "are."

John and Peter are brothers. John is a lot like Peter. John and Peter are alike.

Solution 2:

Both like and alike may be used to tell similarity. On the other hand, alike -as an adverb -may also be used after you have referred to two people or groups, to mean ‘both’ or ‘equally’. Eg:

 Parents and teachers alike demanded reforms

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