How to restore/import an Oracle database from dmp file?

Solution 1:

It depends what you are trying to do but one short answer is:

imp system/password@sid file=(filename) log=imp.log fromuser=(existing user) touser=(new user)

The last 3 here: log, fromuser, touser are optional. You might give some more details about what you are doing if that doesn't help...

Solution 2:

It depends on the type of export (dump) that was done from the original database. Oracle does four types of exports (called modes):

  1. Full
  2. User
  3. Table(s)
  4. Tablespace(s)

Assuming that a Full export was done, you'd do something like:

imp system/manager FULL=y FILE=database.dmp LOG=import.log STATISTICS=recalculate

Having said that, you should read through the Oracle documentation on imp.

Solution 3:

Keep in mind a .dmp file could mean it was exported using exp or expdp. Run imp help=y or impdp help=y if you run into any issues.