Change font size macvim?

I'm using macvim and I love it. I also happen to really like the default font.

My question is:

How do I change the font size in my .gvimrc? I want it to be bigger, without changing the font from the default.

All the examples I've seen specify a font then a ':' then the size.

So how do I just change the size not the font itself?


The default font is Bitstream Vera (search for 'default font' on that page). So why not just specify that, but with a different font size? E.g.

:set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h14

This approach also ensures that if in future the default changes (e.g. to the system default, Monaco), you will still have your preferred font enabled.

A quick way to set the font if you don't mind a menu popping up is to type :set gfn=*.

This will allow you to adjust any property of the font without changing anything else about it.

Then you can use :set gfn to see what it is now set to and add that to your .vimrc.

As an example, in my case it shows guifont=Monaco:h12 and so in order to get the same setting on startup, I added set gfn=Monaco:h12 to my .vimrc.