Is there a safe place to stash items in Hengsha?

I've recently moved onto the second major hub area in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. So far, I haven't come across anyplace as safe as my apartment in Detroit. I don't feel like lugging a rocket launcher with me everywhere - is there a safe place I can stow extra gear, or can I drop it anywhere and it'll be there when I return later?

  • City hubs with sidequests are temporarily safe to "store" things in, until you leave the city hub, and the game always warns you when you do this about how side-quests will be un-completable.
  • No other mission area is safe. Sometimes the game tells you you won't be able to return to an area, but don't count on it. If nothing else, there are some one-way elevator rides, etc.

I left a fully upgraded silenced pistol on the floor of my apartment in front of the "stash" area and when I returned, it was nowhere to be found (much to my intense rage). Luckily I had an old save file that still had it. My recommendation is to leave ammo and health and non-essentials there, or to just sell them. Any weapon you really like should probably stay in your inventory, or make sure you save a file before you leave it on the floor.

I'm not sure your apartment in Detroit is safer than any other non-restricted area. If anything, your apartment is a worse place to store items since its out of your way most of the time.

I'm not 100% sure if they will be remain when moving from city to city.