How to install Nvidia 319.12 driver on an optimus system

I have a Samsung NP550 system with Nvidia Geforce GT650M. I have installed bumblebee 3.2.1 and "nvidia-304, 304.88, 3.8.0-19-generic" drivers are loaded for me. However I would like to update to latest 319.12 driver. I heard that this supports optimus natively here.

How can I install this driver? Do I have to remove bumblebee and install it or install it along bumblebee?

Try installing the new beta version of Nvidia 319.12 with bumblebee.

sudo apt-get remove bumblebee-nvidia nvidia-current nvidia-settings

sudo apt-get install bumblebee-nvidia nvidia-319 nvidia-settings-319


Bumblebee is an unofficial tool that brings Nvidia Optimus GPU switching to Linux. It's useful to increase battery life by only switching the dedicated GPU (Nvidia) on when needed. Nvidia has added initial Optimus support in their latest 319.12 beta drivers, but it doesn't have GPU switching yet.


I have made guide on this topic. It's step by step. Please see it here: