Disk Usage Analyzer stealing mimetype assocation inode/directory from Nautilus

To me it seems the appropriate way is to define Nautilus as the default application to handle the mimetype inode/directory. This can be done via console with

xdg-mime default nautilus.desktop inode/directory

What it does is adding the following line to .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list


About accepted answer: I don't know what adding a colon and a number to the mimetype in the baobab desktop file does, but if it's just disabling the unwanted behaviour this won't be sufficient. I can imagine another application hijacking/overriding the mimetype assocation again.

Another point is that you have all your defaults defined in one place.

edit /usr/share/applications/baobab.desktop and change




then run this command:

sudo update-desktop-database -q