Antonym for "Virgin" [closed]

What's an antonym for "virgin"? A single word would be preferable.

This is OP's second question on EL&U, and the previous one refers to the fact that he's "writing an application that deals with blind studies". In light of that, I assume OP is effectively looking for a medical term.

I'm not a doctor, but these people are, and they use the term coitally experienced. Here's an NGram showing they're not alone.

In case anyone objects that (besides not being single-word) coitally experienced applies to males as well as females, I suggest post-coitarchal or perhaps my own neologism coitarchated (which I think would be well enough understood on first encounter by people working in that area).

Coitarche (first experience of full intercourse) didn't really enter the lexicon until the early '80s, but it's clearly formed by association with menarche (a pubescent girl's first period), so I think that's good enough to say coitarche and derivatives relate more to the female than the male side of the experience.

Try deflowered.

From The Free Dictionary:


  1. to deprive of virginity, esp by rupturing the hymen through sexual intercourse
  2. to despoil of beauty, innocence, etc.; mar; violate

Though, some might argue that this is exclusively feminine, I might beg to differ.


As in the Jimi Hendrix song. Though it will only be clear in the right context.

"Sexually expereienced" is explicit, but not one word.

Several answers from Love, sex, and marriage: a historical thesaurus By Julie Coleman:

a woman who has had sex:
unmaiden; sinner; maiden-wife-widow; damaged goods; fie-fie; amazon; non-virgin

I would go with non-virgin.

Coitized is a polite way to say had sexual intercourse from the verb coitize from the same root as coitus (or maybe a verb derived from coitus).

A Rumanian women's erotic proverb says: 'God save us from being beaten by a blind man (who cannot see where his blows fall) and from being coitized by a lame one (who comes down hard on you).'