vim commands in Eclipse


an Eclipse plugin which acts as a wrapper for Eclipse text editors to provide a Vim-like input scheme for moving around and editing text.

Unlike other plugins which embed Vim in Eclipse, Vrapper imitates the behaviour of Vim while still using whatever editor you have opened in the workbench. The goal is to have the comfort and ease which comes with the different modes, complex commands and count/operator/motion combinations which are the key features behind editing with Vim, while preserving the powerful features of the different Eclipse text editors, like code generation and refactoring...

There is this plugin that costs $20+

I use it and it works great, you've got basic vi movement commands and a set of others.

Here is an open source, free plugin but i've never been able to get it working (i'm on a mac).

You can also go the other way and get eclipse code completion inside vim. You basically run an instance of Eclipse and you will be working inside vim. They just released a version compatible with Eclipse 3.4.

New plugin I've started using