What actions give XP in Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

As I've been playing through Deus Ex, I've seen my fair share of messages pop up, informing me that I have earned XP, but because there's no explanation for the message, It's not always obvious what I've done to earn the XP in the first place.

For instance, it took me a while to realize I was getting the "Marksman" bonus whenever I shot someone in the head, instead of tranq-ing them in the torso. Some others I've seen a lot, but still don't know what caused them -- "Traveler", and "Expedient", for instance.

What actions (or suite of actions) in DE:HR result in an XP Bonus?

Solution 1:

Aside from completing objectives (primary objectives earn 1000, 1750, or 2500 XP; secondary earn 500 or 750 XP; side quest bonuses earn 100, 300, or 750 XP) and the two mission bonuses of Ghost (500 XP) for getting through an area without ever being spotted by an enemy NPC and Smooth Operator (250 XP) for getting through an area without setting off any alarms, XP awards are divided as follows:

Combat Bonuses

  • Man Down: neutralize an enemy (10 XP)
  • Merciful Soul: neutralize an enemy using non-lethal methods (20 XP)
  • Marksman: perform a headshot (10 XP)
  • Expedient: use a takedown (20 XP)
  • Two Against One: use a takedown to incapacitate two enemies (45 XP)
  • Hunk of Junk: disable a Medium Sentry (45 XP)
  • Hunk of Junk: disable a Box Guard (250 XP)

Hacking Bonuses

  • Script Kiddie: hack a Level 1 device (25 XP)
  • Grey Hat: hack a Level 2 device (50 XP)
  • Black Hat: hack a Level 3 device (75 XP)
  • L33t Sk1llz: hack a Level 4 device (100 XP)
  • Master Hacker: hack a Level 5 device (125 XP)

Exploration Bonuses

The following bonuses are all tied to entering secret areas, but the actual mechanics determining how one is awarded rather than another is still unclear to me.

  • Traveler: enter a secret area (100 XP)
  • Explorer: enter a secret area (200 XP)
  • Pathfinder: enter a secret area (300 XP)
  • Trailblazer: enter a secret area (400 XP)

Miscellaneous Bonuses

  • Silver Tongue: win a "social battle" (1000 XP)
  • Life Lesson: infuriate an NPC (100 XP)
  • Scholar: read a Hugh Darrow Ebook (200 XP)

(This information was adapted from Absolute Steve's FAQ on DE:HR on GameFAQs.)

Solution 2:

Smooth Operator is the xp bonus you get for not setting off any alarms (such as cameras and probably lasers). This is an in-game loading screen tip.

Solution 3:

I think "Ghost" is awarded when you complete a mission without ever being seen.

Solution 4:

There should also be an reward for not killing anyone throughout the mission. So only using the Q button to neutralize enemies or using a stun weapon. This last however will not give you the expediant (20xp) bonus, but beats waiting untill your first battery is full again.