How To Create A Parts List In Google SketchUp

I am using Google SketchUp version 7.0.10247 to design a kitchen table that I would like to build. Once I am done with the design, I'd like be able to produce a parts list that I can print out and use to take to the hardware store. Has anyone got any experience doing such?

In woodworking, the board material you will need is typically called a "Cutlist." People have created many plug-ins for SketchUp to create cutlists.

CutList for SketchUp is one example that does this... and it's free.

CutList 4.0 SketchUp plug-in helps you determine how much of each material you need to produce your design, taking into account nominal-sized lumber with allowances for finishing to final size. Then it lays out all of the pieces on boards or sheet good sizes of your choosing.