Is it possible to remove a built-in shortcut from an application in Mac OS X?
Solution 1:
You have two options:
Set the worthless formatting menu item's shortcut to something difficult to press instead, thereby freeing CmdShiftS.
Run the following in Terminal to remove the shortcut from the menu item labeled Worthless Formatting Shortcut:
defaults write com.vendor.yourapp NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Worthless Formatting Shortcut" nil
It doesn't work in all applications (prominent example: Microsoft Office), but it should work in all well-behaved Cocoa applications.
To find out what your application uses for com.vendor.yourapp, right-click the application bundle, select Show Package Contents, navigate to Contents, open Info.plist using a text editor, or better a property list editor like Property List Editor or Xcode 4 (both part of Apple's developer tools) and look for CFBundleIdentifier or the like.