Transforming a Javascript iterable into an array

You are looking for the new Array.from function which converts arbitrary iterables to array instances:

var arr = Array.from(map.entries());

It is now supported in Edge, FF, Chrome and Node 4+.

Of course, it might be worth to define map, filter and similar methods directly on the iterator interface, so that you can avoid allocating the array. You also might want to use a generator function instead of higher-order functions:

function* map(iterable) {
    var i = 0;
    for (var item of iterable)
        yield yourTransformation(item, i++);
function* filter(iterable) {
    var i = 0;
    for (var item of iterable)
        if (yourPredicate(item, i++))
             yield item;

[] or Array.from(map.entries())

It's super-easy.

Anyway - iterators lack reduce, filter, and similar methods. You have to write them on your own, as it's more perfomant than converting Map to array and back. But don't to do jumps Map -> Array -> Map -> Array -> Map -> Array, because it will kill performance.