How do I switch to the active tab in Selenium?

We developed a Chrome extension, and I want to test our extension with Selenium. I created a test, but the problem is that our extension opens a new tab when it's installed, and I think I get an exception from the other tab. Is it possible to switch to the active tab I'm testing? Or another option is to start with the extension disabled, then login to our website and only then enable the extension. Is it possible? Here is my code:

def login_to_webapp(self):
    self.assertEqual(first="Web Editor", second=self.driver.title)
    action = webdriver.ActionChains(driver=self.driver)
    action.move_to_element(to_element=self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath="//div[@id='header_floater']/div[@class='header_menu']/button[@class='btn_header signature_menu'][text()='My signature']"))
    self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath="//ul[@id='signature_menu_downlist'][@class='menu_downlist']/li[text()='Log In']").click()
    self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath="//form[@id='atho-form']/button[@type='submit'][@class='atho-button signin_button'][text()='Sign in']").click()

The test fails with ElementNotVisibleException: Message: element not visible, because in the new tab (opened by the extension) "Log In" is not visible (I think the new tab is opened only after the command self.driver.get(url='')).

Update: I found out that the exception is not related to the extra tab, it's from our website. But I closed the extra tab with this code, according to @aberna's answer:

def close_last_tab(self):
    if (len(self.driver.window_handles) == 2):

After closing the extra tab, I can see my tab in the video.

Solution 1:

This actually worked for me in 3.x:


window handles are appended, so this selects the second tab in the list

to continue with first tab:


Solution 2:

Some possible approaches:

1 - Switch between the tabs using the send_keys (CONTROL + TAB)

self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + Keys.TAB)

2 - Switch between the tabs using the using ActionsChains (CONTROL+TAB)

actions = ActionChains(self.driver)      

3 - Another approach could make usage of the Selenium methods to check current window and move to another one:

You can use


to find a list of window handles and after try to switch using the following methods.

- driver.switch_to.active_element      
- driver.switch_to.default_content
- driver.switch_to.window

For example, to switch to the last opened tab, you can do:


Solution 3:

The accepted answer didn't work for me.
To open a new tab and have selenium switch to it, I used:

driver.execute_script('''"", "_blank");''')
sleep(1) # you can also try without it, just playing safe
driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[-1]) # last opened tab handle  
# driver.switch_to_window(driver.window_handles[-1]) # for older versions

if you need to switch back to the main tab, use:



The window_handles contains a list of the handles of opened tabs, use it as argument in switch_to.window() to switch between tabs.

Solution 4:

Pressing ctrl+t or choosing window_handles[0] assumes that you only have one tab open when you start.

If you have multiple tabs open then it could become unreliable.

This is what I do:

#Perform action that opens new window here
for tab in new_tabs:
     if tab in old tabs:

This is something that would positively identify the new tab before switching to it and sets the active window to the desired new tab.

Just telling the browser to send ctrl+tab does not work because it doesn't tell the webdriver to actually switch to the new tab.