Composite primary key in django

Solution 1:

Try similar below code:

class MyTable(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        unique_together = (('key1', 'key2'),)

    key1 = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
    key2 = models.IntegerField()

or if you want only unique mixed fields:

class MyTable(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        unique_together = (('key1', 'key2'),)

    key1 = models.IntegerField()
    key2 = models.IntegerField()

EDIT: I would like to note that there is a problem with this approach if there are 3 columns. Update queries don't work because it tries to update (puts pk fields right after "SET") the fields that are unique together and obviously fails.

Solution 2:

The accepted answer is fine. However, it's a little old. unique_together may be deprecated in favor of UniqueConstraint. So, the better way of doing this would be;

UniqueConstraint(fields = ['key1', 'key2'], name = 'constraint_name')

Solution 3:

I solved this with virtual field inherited from django AutoField, that combines a values from several fields into single JSON dict.

That makes such models, compatible with django admin and genetic views.

$ pip install django-viewflow --pre

from viewflow.fields import CompositeKey

class Seat(models.Model):
    id = CompositeKey(columns=['aircraft_code', 'seat_no'])
    aircraft_code = models.ForeignKey(
        Aircraft, models.DO_NOTHING,
    seat_no = models.CharField(max_length=4)

This makes possible to access as to legacy databases, as to PostgreSQL TimeScaleDB tables