Does anyone know how to kill this unused secret boss/enemy?
In Nintendo Nightmare, one has the ability to use cheat codes which are lines of code within Game Maker's system (the software has a function specifically for this and the game uses it).
This led to me looking at a few of the assets, one of which caught my attention very deeply. There appears to be a hidden boss with the object name "obj_bigchampi". It appears to be like any of the other big chu-chu monsters in the dungeons of the second part, except it has a mushroom textured band around the middle section of the body. It also randomly spawns boulders on top of the player (which are nothing more than the kind that block paths, thereby immobilizing the player and utterly ruining the camera's angle).
I'm trying to figure out how to kill it (beyond just cheating its life to 0).
I've tried all of link's weapons and a few of the weapons lying around hyrule field. Does anyone have any idea how to kill this thing? It seems like it is invincible, and the rock attack makes it seem even stranger.
Also here is an image of the boss. I think there has to be a way to remove its armor. I just cannot seem to determine how.
Bonus points for whomever can identify what sort of abomination that thing is supposed to be!
Solution 1:
After examining the source code and objects within the same organizational regions of the game, it would appear that this enemy being unkillable is nothing more than a bug. All other enemies within the same region have their parent object set as a generic enemy object. This one doesn't. Hence, anything that hits it does absolutely nothing. Also, looking through the code and searching heavily, there appear to be no direct ways to kill it aside from cheating. So, it would appear that the only way to kill it is with the following cheat code.
with (obj_bigchampi) {instance_destroy();}
So, it would seem that this object serves as nothing more than an annoying ugly rock wall spawner that follows you around. Now I understand why it was removed.