Line Break in HTML Select Option?

Solution 1:

I know this is an older post, but I'm leaving this for whomever else comes looking in the future.

You can't format line breaks into an option; however, you can use the title attibute to give a mouse-over tooltip to give the full info. Use a short descriptor in the option text and give the full skinny in the title.

<option value="1" title="This is my lengthy explanation of what this selection really means, so since you only see 1 on the drop down list you really know that you're opting to elect me as King of Willywarts!  Always be sure to read the fine print!">1</option>

Solution 2:

No, browsers don't provide this formatting option.

You could probably fake it with some checkboxes with <label>s, and JS to turn it into a fly out menu.