Checking if browser is in fullscreen [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Detecting if a browser is in full screen mode

Is there a way to check if a browser is currently in fullscreen mode (after the user pressed f11)?

Something like:

if (window.fullscreen) {
  // it's fullscreen!
else {
  // not fs!


Steerpike's answer is pretty good, but my comment:

Thanks a lot, but this answer is not sufficient for FF. In Chrome I can set a small tolerance, but in FF the urlbar and tabs takes a while to disappear, which means after pressing f11, the detected window.innerWidth is still too small.

Solution 1:

This works for all new browsers :

if (!window.screenTop && !window.screenY) {
    alert('Browser is in fullscreen');

Solution 2:

In Firefox 3, window.fullScreen works (

So, you could potentially do something like this:

if((window.fullScreen) ||
   (window.innerWidth == screen.width && window.innerHeight == screen.height)) {

} else {
