mute individual Skype text chat?

Solution 1:

Yes this is possible.

If you use the '/alertson' command while in chat, it will only alert when it sees matching strings. Example:

/alertson help yt joe meeting

will alert on any occurance of those four words. I use this extensively for team/group chats that can be otherwise noisy. I generally alert on my name as well as some common attention-getting strings.

In the latest skype client, the alert strings can also be seen by opening Conversation->Notification Settings and selecting: (*) Notify me only if these words are mentioned

Solution 2:

For the simplest way just type /alertsoff in the chat window you want to mute (it doesn't matter if it's an individual or group chat).

Solution 3:

Right-click on the actual group (or chat) -> Manage group -> Notifications (ON/OFF)