Can I use a wireless router as a repeater?

I have a wireless TP-Link TL-WR941ND router connected to the internet, but I can't get a good signal in the other end of my house. I have a spare Edimax BR-6226n wireless router.

Is it possible to use it to somehow increase the signal of my wifi network? If not, is it possible to do it with a computer attached (I got lots of old ones around)?

Solution 1:

On some models this is not possible because they don't have that feature. But luckily, your Edimax supports wireless bridging:

Supports AP, AP Client, Bridge, Bridge+ WDS and Universal Repeater mode

  1. Go into your settings by typing the Router's IP address
  2. In "Basic Settings", under "Mode", select "Universal Repeater" mode
  3. Under ESSID, enter an arbitrary name for your repeating router
  4. Under Root SSID, enter the SSID of your original router's network

See the manual for more details.