'Calm, cool and collective' vs 'calm, cool and collected'

What is the difference between calm, cool and collective and calm, cool and collected?

What is the meaning of collective or collected when used in this way?

I checked the dictionary but still do not get it.

collective [kəˈlɛktɪv]
1. formed or assembled by collection
2. forming a whole or aggregate
3. of, done by, or characteristic of individuals acting in cooperation
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy)
a. a cooperative enterprise or unit, such as a collective farm
b. the members of such a cooperative
2. (Linguistics / Grammar) short for collective noun

Solution 1:

Collective means “done by a group of people”; it does not go well with calm and cool. Collected means “not distracted”, and it can be used with calm and cool.

Solution 2:

Calm, cool and collective is likely a malapropism. Calm, cool and collected is the actual expression. The only exception would be if the former appeared as a tagline or motto for a collective, but I find that unlikely.