How do I run parallel threads of computation on a partitioned array?

Welcome to Rust! :)

Yeah at first I didn't realize each thread gets it's own copy of scale

Not only that! It also gets its own copy of a!

What you are trying to do could look like the following code. I guess it's easier for you to see a complete working example since you seem to be a Rust beginner and asked for guidance. I deliberately replaced [i32; 10] with a Vec since a Vec is not implicitly Copyable. It requires an explicit clone(); we cannot copy it by accident. Please note all the larger and smaller differences. The code also got a little more functional (less mut). I commented most of the noteworthy things:

extern crate rand;

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;

const NTHREADS: usize = 4; // I replaced `static` by `const`

// gets used for *all* the summing :)
fn sum<I: Iterator<Item=i32>>(iter: I) -> i32 {
    let mut s = 0;
    for x in iter {
        s += x;

fn main() {
    // We don't want to clone the whole vector into every closure.
    // So we wrap it in an `Arc`. This allows sharing it.
    // I also got rid of `mut` here by moving the computations into
    // the initialization.
    let a: Arc<Vec<_>> =
                .map(|_| {
                    (rand::random::<i32>() % 100) + 1

    let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); // types will be inferred

    { // local scope, we don't need the following variables outside
        let num_tasks_per_thread = a.len() / NTHREADS; // same here
        let num_tougher_threads = a.len() % NTHREADS; // same here
        let mut offset = 0;
        for id in 0..NTHREADS {
            let chunksize =
                if id < num_tougher_threads {
                    num_tasks_per_thread + 1
                } else {
            let my_a = a.clone();  // refers to the *same* `Vec`
            let my_tx = tx.clone();
            thread::spawn(move || {
                let end = offset + chunksize;
                let partial_sum =
                    sum( (&my_a[offset..end]).iter().cloned() );
            offset += chunksize;

    // We can close this Sender

    // Iterator magic! Yay! global_sum does not need to be mutable
    let global_sum = sum(rx.iter());
    println!("global sum via threads    : {}", global_sum);
    println!("global sum single-threaded: {}", sum(a.iter().cloned()));

Using a crate like crossbeam you can write this code:

use crossbeam; // 0.7.3
use rand::distributions::{Distribution, Uniform}; // 0.7.3

const NTHREADS: usize = 4;

fn random_vec(length: usize) -> Vec<i32> {
    let step = Uniform::new_inclusive(1, 100);
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    step.sample_iter(&mut rng).take(length).collect()

fn main() {
    let numbers = random_vec(10);
    let num_tasks_per_thread = numbers.len() / NTHREADS;

    crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
        // The `collect` is important to eagerly start the threads!
        let threads: Vec<_> = numbers
            .map(|chunk| scope.spawn(move |_| chunk.iter().cloned().sum::<i32>()))

        let thread_sum: i32 = threads.into_iter().map(|t| t.join().unwrap()).sum();
        let no_thread_sum: i32 = numbers.iter().cloned().sum();

        println!("global sum via threads    : {}", thread_sum);
        println!("global sum single-threaded: {}", no_thread_sum);

Scoped threads allow you to pass in a reference that is guaranteed to outlive the thread. You can then use the return value of the thread directly, skipping channels (which are great, just not needed here!).

I followed How can I generate a random number within a range in Rust? to generate the random numbers. I also changed it to be the range [1,100], as I think that's what you meant. However, your original code is actually [-98,100], which you could also do.

Iterator::sum is used to sum up an iterator of numbers.

I threw in some rough performance numbers of the thread work, ignoring the vector construction, working on 100,000,000 numbers, using Rust 1.34 and compiling in release mode:

| threads | time (ns) | relative time (%) |
|       1 |  33824667 |            100.00 |
|       2 |  16246549 |             48.03 |
|       3 |  16709280 |             49.40 |
|       4 |  14263326 |             42.17 |
|       5 |  14977901 |             44.28 |
|       6 |  12974001 |             38.36 |
|       7 |  13321743 |             39.38 |
|       8 |  13370793 |             39.53 |

See also:

  • How can I pass a reference to a stack variable to a thread?

All your tasks get a copy of the scale variable. Thread 1 and 2 both do the same thing since each has scale with a value of 0 and modifies it in the same manner as the other thread. The same goes for Thread 3 and 4.

Rust prevents you from breaking thread safety. If scale were shared by the threads, you would have race conditions when accessing the variable.

Please read about closures, they explain the variable copying part, and about threading which explains when and how you can share variables between threads.