How can I add more disk space to my home directory?

The current home directory gets full.

Can I assign more disk space to the home directory somehow or are there any other solutions?

Solution 1:

I'm assuming your home directory is located on the same partition as your system. Instead of enlarging the system partition you could source the home directory out to an extra partition. That's good practice anyway. Makes it a lot easier to migrate to a new system without having to move the home directory.

Free some space or get an extra HDD. Create a new partition and format it with a filesystem of your choice (i.e. ext4). Copy everything from your home folder to the new partition and then tell your system to mount the new partition in your home directory during startup by adding a corresponding line to /etc/fstab:

UUID=<some UID of your new partition>  /home/username  ext4  nodev,nosuid  0  1

Depending on the filesystem and mount options you might want to use this line can slightly differ.

Solution 2:

Making symbolic link is an excellent option in case you just need to keep the file in the required directory but dont have enough space in that directory.