Is there a verb form of the word 'surgery'?

Surgery as a noun is also performance of a surgical procedure. Surgical is an adjective. I couldn't find anywhere a verb for surgery. Like how you 'operate' for the noun operation.

Solution 1:

The verb is 'to operate'. Sense 4 of 'to operate' from the OED is specifically a surgical sense:

  1. Surg.
    a. intr. To perform an operation. Also with on, upon.

["operate, v.". OED Online. September 2015. Oxford University Press. (accessed November 06, 2015).]

Notably, the OED Thesaurus lists no synonyms for this, the surgical sense of the verb 'to operate'.

Solution 2:

I would have said performing surgery.

Solution 3:

Consider the medical specific surgerize.

A popular verb for surgical therapy, as in ...the Pt was surgerized McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine

The patient was subsequently seen by Reuben Washington, M.D. and was surgerized at least twice for a shoulder injury New York Court of Appeals

Solution 4:

I am pretty positive that when a Surgeon operates, they are performing a surgical procedure.