Mounting Linux filesystem

  • Remove ext2fuse with brew uninstall ext2fuse.
  • Download fuse-ext2 available at the git homepage and unzip it in your Downloads folder
  • Follow these instructions:

    brew install m4
    brew install e2fsprogs automake autoconf libtool
    cd ~/Downloads/fuse-ext2-master
    CFLAGS="-idirafter/$(brew --prefix e2fsprogs)/include -idirafter/usr/local/include/osxfuse" LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix e2fsprogs)/lib" ./configure
    sudo make install
  • Mount the partition(s) e.g. disk2s7:

    sudo fuse-ext2 /dev/disk2s7 /sd -o allow_other,force,rw+

Tested & verified in a virtual 10.11.6 El Capitan machine!