Click to select row to end of data in Excel?

No, there is no easy way of selecting multiple non-continuous rows without selecting the entire row of each. You would need to do each row independently.

Using Just the Keyboard

If your rows contain consecutive cells with data, you can click the first cell, hold ctrl and shift and press the right arrow key to select the relevant area. If any cells in these rows are empty, you will only be able to select up to that point (unless you press the arrow key again).

Using the Keyboard and the Mouse

Per music2myear's edits: You can select non-contiguous regions by holding ctrl while clicking cells with your mouse. This would allow you to apply formatting to multiple regions simultaneously.

If you know the header of the last column, you can use the Name Box (the text box located to the left of the Formula bar).

For example, if your data ranges from column A to J, you can select the rows you mentioned (4,6,14,27) without using the mouse or cursor keys by typing this into the Name box:


The letters don't have to be uppercase. I don't know of any shortcut to the Name Box so you'll have to use your mouse to click it. Just that once. :D

Press Enter and those ranges will be selected.

You'll get the same result when you use that range on the Go To dialog box, which you can open by pressing Ctrl-G

Hold the CTRL key while clicking on each successive desired row. CTRL allows multiple non-adjacent selections. Shift allows multiple adjacent selections. These keys work on files in a file manager and in most applications.

EDIT: CTRL-arrow allows selection to the end of the current data row.

To use this along with CTRL for multiple non-adjacent selections you can use your mouse click-drag select and hold down the ctrl key while making selections.

Or you can select the first cell of the first column of data you desire to select, press SHIFT-CTRL-Arrow (direction of the end of the row or column of data. Keep hold CTRL but release SHIFT (playing piano helps with this), mouse click the first cell of the next desired row (or column) of data, re-press SHIFT-Arrow (still holding down CTRL) to select to the end of that data column. Etc.

Unless you are comfortable doing complex keyboarding, I'd use the hold CTRL, Mouse click-drag select method.