Java version automatically change to java 1.5 after maven update

I am using eclipse as IDE. When I right click on the project and then click maven update my java version change to 1.5. Here is what I did so far, I followed all the steps listed here

  1. I changed "Java build path" to "workspace default jre 1.8.0_25"
  2. Then changed "java compiler" to 1.8
  3. Then changed "project facets">java>1.8
  4. Changed pom.xml java version to 1.8

After all this when I click on "Maven update" my java version change to 1.5 automatically. Also in above steps, first two step's version also change to 1.5 automatically. How can I fix this?

Solution 1:

Open your pom.xml file and add the following lines on it:


Where 1.8 is the java version of your current JDK/JRE. Another way of doing this is adding a <build> with the maven-compile-plugin as

    <version>3.2</version> <!-- or whatever current version -->


If you are looking for a way to make it work with Java versions 9+ please take a look at @JDelorean's answer down here and don't forget to give him an upvote as well :)

Solution 2:

Had the same issue when I installed Java 9. My project would default to J2SE-1.5 Execution Environment. Strangely, Java 9 compliance level is not referenced like previous versions, i.e. "1.8", but as "9". So I had to provide my properties and Maven compiler plugin config accordingly:




This seems to have solved the problem. Works for versions 9 and above.

Solution 3:

The root-cause of this issue is that if for any reason Eclipse's cannot resolve a valid value for the maven.compiler.source property when generating/updating the .classpath file from the pom, it will simply default to using org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/J2SE-1.5.

As expertly answered by @jorge-campos, there are multiple ways to set that property.

However, Jorge's answer didn't appear to work for me. Here were my settings:



Exactly. ${java.version} is never going to resolve to the (completely different) property javaVersion and Eclipse ignored the property and used the default.

Which brings me back to the "for any reason" part I opened with; developer stupidity can be one of those reasons.