Two finger swipe to go back in browser in precise? [duplicate]

Have tried various things but I can't find a good solution to enable two finger swipe to go 'back' in a browser. Two finger vertical scrolling works fine, but it's side-swipe back/foward I'm after.

ginn seems like it might do it, but it fails in precise with unity saying 'error subscribing to gestures', and the fix seems complicated - seems to involve fiddling with source and recompiling.

easystroke is another possibility, but it requires a mouse button to be held down and so doesn't give proper two finger swipe, this isn't what i'm after.

In case it's relevant, my touch pad is identifed as 'CyPS/2 Cypress Trackpad'


Adapting from Jakob's very complete question on a similar topic, this is what I did:

  1. Install Easystroke (run sudo apt-get install easystroke on the terminal, open Ubuntu Software Center and search for "easystroke" or just click the following button): Install via the software center

  2. Start Easystroke. To add a new action click the panel icon and in the Actions tab click Add Action. Use the following parameters on "Type" and "Details" (feel free to use a name and gesture that you prefer): screenshot

  3. Set a mouse gesture by clicking Record Stroke and then while pressing mouse button 2 move the mouse the way you like for this action in future.

  4. If you like it add Easystroke to Startup Applications by marking as checked "Autostart easystroke" in the Preferences tab.

P.S.: I don't know why, but in my machine I could only record and execute strokes by holding both (physical) touchpad buttons. I thought this was due to the fact that my mouse was configured for left-handers, where the principal button is the one to the right, but switching to "normal" did not solve it.

To configure Easystroke, you can check its documentation as well as this Tips & Tricks section.