How to check which apache modules are enabled/installed?

Which is the most elegant way to check which apache modules are enabled?

Solution 1:

You're on Ubuntu so try:

apache2ctl -M

Solution 2:

httpd -M will tell you which modules are built-in or shared.

Solution 3:

Nothing from the answers above works if you can’t run commands on a remote server. If you have only “user” privileges or none at all try creating a test.php script:


Though, it will only work if PHP is installed as mod_php.

Solution 4:

Maybe this will help for some people on shared hosts with no access to httpd, apachectl or processes:

Enabled modules: ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

Available modules: ls /etc/apache2/mods-available/

Solution 5:

You can also use apachectl

apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES