An excessively solicitous parent [duplicate]
Is there a word out there describing an overly caring parent? E.g. a mother who is constantly calling her daughter, asking where she is, etc.
Not a single word, but let me offer helicopter parent:
A parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of their child or children
(Oxford Dictionaries)
helicopter parents: parents who try too hard to protect their children and organize their lives, even when their children have left school
a parent who is unable to let go of their adult child(ren) and continues to monitor them and intervene inappropriately in their lives
(Macmillan Dictionary)
The last two definitions state the kids are more or less grown. The first definition seems to be more loose. Personally, I've always encountered this in context of more or less independent kids.
Mollycoddle is the word mostly used in Britain. A child who has their comforts attended at every turn by their mothers (or fathers) are said to be mollycoddled
Later edit for people who are not happy with a verb.
The parents mollycoddle. The child is mollycoddled.
If you want an adjective to describe the parents' actions then it is mollycoddling. They are mollycoddling parents.
Not based on the old school definition of the word but going by the urban dictionary
A mother or overbearing girlfriend that smothers their adult child/ boyfriend with too much love, affection, bossy demands and food.