Remapping keys on keyboard in Linux

Solution 1:

Try xbindkeys. It allows you to bind... er, more esoteric keys to arbitrary commands. As an example, on my laptop, I bound a script to toggle dual-monitor support to Fn-5 (IIRC--I no longer use this binding) using the following command:

(xbindkey '("m:0x0" "c:235") "$HOME/usr/bin/dual-monitor-setup")

I'm using its GUILE support for my config, though, so you'll probably have to modify it, if you want to use the simpler config format. Its documentation is rather good, so you shouldn't have much trouble figuring out how to make it do what you want to.

Solution 2:

It depends on the wm/de ( window manager/desktop environment ). You can rebind some keys in openbox in it`s XML file somewhere in a hidden file .config I think but you should google it. Other way is with


but better read some linux manuals on this sinc