Proxy which requires authentication with Android Emulator

Solution 1:

I Managed to do it in the Adndroid 2.2 Emulator.

Go to "Settings" -> "Wireless & Networks" -> "Mobile Networks" -> "Access Point Names" -> "Telkila"

Over there set the proxy host name in the property "Proxy" and the Proxy port in the property "Port"

Solution 2:

It seems like SDK 1.5 onwards, the -http-proxy flag also doesn't work. What did work for me is to boot the android image in the emulator and then once Android is running, go to Home > Menu > Settings > Wireless Controls > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names and then setup the http proxy settings for the default access point.

With the APN proxy settings in place, I can get the emulator's browser to surf the web. However, other stuff like Maps still doesn't work.

Solution 3:

I remember having the same problem - After searching on the web, I found this solution - From the command line,

1. > adb shell
2. # sqlite3 /data/data/
3. sqlite> INSERT INTO system VALUES(99,’http_proxy', 'proxy:port');
4. sqlite>.exit

EDIT: Edited answer to reflect the latest version of Android.

Solution 4:

Apparently this problems runs only with Android 2.x and Windows. There is a opened bug here :

Solution 5:

  1. Find the file androidtool.cfg at C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER NAME\.android\

  2. Add this line:

  3. Save the file and try to open the Android SDK.