How to appeal rejection by Apple for Developer Enterprise Account?

How many employees do you have as an LLC that only just created their DUNS? A dozen? Installing your app on a dozen devices without enterprise license but just the developer license is no problem at all.

There have been a few cases recently where enterprise licenses have been abused to distribute malware, so Apple will have some rather high standards for enterprise licenses.

The good news is you can now start development and load apps on your personal devices without needing to pay $99. Similarly, the $99 developer account can now upload apps to TestFlight and have thousands of testers and then upgrade to the $299 Enterprise account only if they can’t figure out how to make the standard account work.

I get why people would go for enterprise initially a few years back but not it’s silly to not just make your apps as a standard developer and then transfer or upgrade to enterprise only when you really need to. You can push realistic apps through test flight and also through VPP / Apple Business Manager now without needing an enterprise account. You can notarize Mac apps soon with 10.14 and self distribute them. So many changes in the last 24 months (as I write this in August 2018) make the normal developer account so much more capable for businesses use across hundreds of end users of apps.

Apple in fact just takes enterprise applications that are premature and converts them into the $99 account so you can get started now when you don’t qualify from the looks of your application for enterprise.

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