Performance difference between IIf() and If

Solution 1:

VB has the following If statement which the question refers to, I think:

' Usage 1
Dim result = If(a > 5, "World", "Hello")
' Usage 2
Dim foo = If(result, "Alternative")

The first is basically C#'s ternary conditional operator and the second is its coalesce operator (return result unless it’s Nothing, in which case return "Alternative"). If has thus replaced IIf and the latter is obsolete.

Like in C#, VB's conditional If operator short-circuits, so you can now safely write the following, which is not possible using the IIf function:

Dim len = If(text Is Nothing, 0, text.Length)

Solution 2:

IIf() runs both the true and false code. For simple things like numeric assignment, this isn't a big deal. But for code that requires any sort of processing, you're wasting cycles running the condition that doesn't match, and possibly causing side effects.

Code illustration:

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim test As Boolean = False
        Dim result As String = IIf(test, Foo(), Bar())
    End Sub

    Public Function Foo() As String
        Return "Foo"
    End Function

    Public Function Bar() As String
        Return "Bar"
    End Function
End Module



Solution 3:

Also, another big issue with the IIf is that it will actually call any functions that are in the arguments [1], so if you have a situation like the following:

string results = IIf(Not oraData.IsDBNull(ndx), oraData.GetString(ndx), string.Empty)

It will actually throw an exception, which is not how most people think the function works the first time that they see it. This can also lead to some very hard to fix bugs in an application as well.

[1] IIf Function -