How to fill HashMap from java property file with Spring @Value

Is it possible to use Spring @Value, to map values from properties file to the HashMap.

Currently I have something like this, and mapping one value is not a problem. But I need to map custom values in HashMap expirations. Is something like this possible?

@PropertySource(value = "")
public class SomeServiceImpl implements SomeService {

    private final boolean useCache = false;

    @Value("#{conf['service.expiration.[<custom name>]']}")
    private final HashMap<String, String> expirations = new HashMap<String, String>();

Property file: ''


Is it posible to map like this key:value set

  • name1 = 100

  • name2 = 20

Solution 1:

You can use the SPEL json-like syntax to write a simple map or a map of list in property file.{'KEY1': 'value1', 'KEY2': 'value3', 'KEY3': 'value5'}

  'KEY1': {'value1','value2'}, \
  'KEY2': {'value3','value4'}, \
  'KEY3': {'value5'} \

I used \ for multiline property to enhance readability

Then, in Java, you can access and parse it automatically with @Value like this.

Map<String, String> simpleMap;

Map<String, List<String>> mapOfList;

Here with ${}, @Value gets the following String from the property file:

"{'KEY1': 'value1', 'KEY2': 'value3', 'KEY3': 'value5'}"

Then, it is evaluated as if it was inlined

@Value("#{{'KEY1': 'value1', 'KEY2': 'value3', 'KEY3': 'value5'}}")

You can learn more in the official documentation

Solution 2:

Is it possible to use Spring @Value, to map values from properties file to the HashMap?

Yes, it is. With a little help of code and Spel.

Firstly, consider this singleton Spring-bean (you should scan it):

public class PropertySplitter {

     * Example: = KEY1:VALUE1,KEY2:VALUE2
    public Map<String, String> map(String property) {
        return, ",");

     * Example: = KEY1:VALUE1.1,VALUE1.2;KEY2:VALUE2.1,VALUE2.2
    public Map<String, List<String>> mapOfList(String property) {
        Map<String, String> map =, ";");

        Map<String, List<String>> mapOfList = new HashMap<>();
        for (Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            mapOfList.put(entry.getKey(), this.list(entry.getValue()));

        return mapOfList;

     * Example: = VALUE1,VALUE2,VALUE3,VALUE4
    public List<String> list(String property) {
        return this.list(property, ",");

     * Example: = VALUE1.1,VALUE1.2;VALUE2.1,VALUE2.2
    public List<List<String>> groupedList(String property) {
        List<String> unGroupedList = this.list(property, ";");

        List<List<String>> groupedList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String group : unGroupedList) {

        return groupedList;


    private List<String> list(String property, String splitter) {
        return Splitter.on(splitter).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().splitToList(property);

    private Map<String, String> map(String property, String splitter) {
        return Splitter.on(splitter).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().withKeyValueSeparator(":").split(property);


Note: PropertySplitter class uses Splitter utility from Guava. Please refer to its documentation for further details.

Then, in some bean of yours:

public class MyBean {

    Map<String, String> propertyAsMap;


And finally, the property:

service.expiration = name1:100,name2:20

It's not exactly what you've asked, because this PropertySplitter works with one single property that is transformed into a Map, but I think you could either switch to this way of specifying properties, or modify the PropertySplitter code so that it matches the more hierarchical way you desire.